Dorothean Ex-Alumnae
Association of Malta
(founded 1972)
The Dorothean ex-Alumnae
Association of Malta is an organization made up of all past
students of the schools run by the Sisters of St. Dorothy in
The main objectives of the
Association are
To enhance family life • To foster and strengthen the Dorothean family on Christian
principals • To help any worthy cause and keep ex-alumnae together.
The Association is affiliated
International Federation of the Ex-Dorothean
Confederation of Former Pupils of
Catholic Church Schools (Malta) (this confederation is a
member of the World Organization of Former Pupils of
Catholic Education
Council of Women (Malta).

Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Grand
Reunion 2010
Friday, 10th
September, 2010
St. Dorothy's Senior
School, Ħaż-Żebbuġ
years have passed since we organized the first grand reunion
for all the past students of the schools of St. Dorothy and
today we are again inviting you for the third grand
reunion. As you all know the two grand reunions we have
had so far were a great success and so we are expecting a
repeat performance. This circular has the details of the
reunion together with the ticket/s order form.
7.30 p.m. Holy Mass on the senior
school's grounds followed by a short welcoming speech from our President Mariella Zarb.
A grand reception (finger food and an
open bar by Osborne Caterers) in the School grounds will
follow up to 11.00 p.m. (A raffle will be drawn
during the reception.
Entertainment will be provided by the
popular Maltese Band:
• May be
placed by completing the form attached to this circular
and send to the Secretary at Silhoutte, Triq il-Vajrita,
M'Scala MSK3322, accompanied by the relative remittance
(€25 per person), by not later than Friday, 3rd
September, 2010. Tickets will then be posted to
all applicants.
• Tickets may
also be obtained from MaxMara, 46 Tower Road,
• The price
is Eur25 per person.
• The tickets
will be taking part in a raffle to be drawn during the
No tickets
will be available from the gates on the day of the event
and tickets must be presented to the person in
charge at the entrance
Further details may be obtained from:
The Secretary (Roberta
Cini) and Asst. Secretary (Marie Claire Cachia Attard)
on Tel. Nos. 99843537 and 99407791 respectively.
email address of the Secretary is:
The website of the Sisters of St.
Let us make this a great day!!!
We have done
our utmost to make this event a success and so we ask you to
help us
in achieving our aim by passing on this information to those
who have not received it.
purpose of this gathering is to re-unite the large Dorothean
See you
all on the 10th of September!!!!
Roberta Cini
P.S. The
request for tickets should include the number of tickets
required, the corresponding cost of the tickets required,
and the name, address and telephone number to whom the
tickets will be posted. This request is to reach the
Secretary by not later than Friday, 3rd
September, 2010. Cheques are to be made payable to the
Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Association.
As we have
done during the first two grand reunions held in 2000 and
2005, the Association is making a donation to the Sisters of
St. Dorothy as a contribution to the large expenses involved
in connection with the following projects which will be
taken in hand as soon as possible:
The installation of photovoltaic panels
(to reduce the electricity bill
A new Physics Lab to meet the
requirements of the new Curriculum
Upgrading of the sporting facilities
contribution to these expenses will depend on the number of
ex-alumnae who will be attending the Grand Reunion. The
larger the number of participants the larger the amount will
Any new
developments regarding the Grand Reunion will be advertised
in the local press and in this website.

The Sisters of St. Dorothy came to Malta in 1911 and opened
their first school in Mdina some time later.
However, it was only in 1948 that the need was felt by some
ex-alumnae to start meeting to rekindle and keep the
Dorothean spirit alive amongst past pupils and to revive the
memories of the good old school days. This initiative was
encouraged by the Sisters of St. Dorothy and the first
gatherings were held annually at St. Dorothy’s Convent,
When Sister Marie de Piro, the then Mother General, visited
Malta in the early seventies, the Sisters invited to Mdina
all the ex-alumnae to meet her. Encouraged by the number of
ex-alumnae who responded to the invitation, the Nuns
suggested the setting up of an Old Girls Association. A
small group of ex-alumnae volunteered to start the proposed
venture. Regular meetings were held at St. Dorothy’s School,
Sliema since 1972.

In order to achieve the Association's main
objectives, the Association's Committee organizes various
activities, such as:
Grand reunions every five years
Cultural tours of historical sites, buildings
and museums
Social functions, such as outings, seminars
and talks
Other fund raising activities.
Members of the Association take part also in
international activities. As a member of the International
Federation of ex-Dorotheans, representatives from the local
Committee attend various international Dorothean
Congresses. In 1982 the Third International Dorothean
Congress was held in Malta.
In September 2000 members of the Association
attended a reunion of Maltese ex-alumnae who live in the
United Kingdom.
In 2007 the Association was invited to take
part in the celebrations marking the 40th
Anniversary of O.M.A.A.E.E.C. (The World Organization of
Former Pupils of Catholic Education) which were being held
in Rome. The Association accepted the invitation of the
President (Mrs. Rosa Maria Mazzeo Lagana' - who happened to
be also the President of the International Federation of the Dorothean Ex-Alumnae) of the world organization and in
November (2007) more than twenty Maltese Dorotheans
ex-alumnae attended the celebrations in Rome which ended
with an audience with H. E. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the
Vatican's Secretary of State.
The visit to Rome brought to an end also the
celebrations held during 2007 to mark the 35th
Anniversary of the Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Association of

Statue of
St.Paula Frassinetti
As a gesture of appreciation to the Sisters of St. Dorothy
for their loving care and education to all past students, in
1999 the Association donated a statue of St. Paula
Frassinetti, the foundress of the Community of the Sisters
of St. Dorothy, to the Sisters. The statue is the work of
the famous Gozitan artist Chev. Alfred Camilleri Cauchi.
The unveiling ceremony was held on 26th September 1999 in
the grounds of the then new St. Dorothy's Convent and
Schools in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, and it was presided by His Excellency
Prof. Guido de Marco, President of Malta (and also the
father of two ex-alumnae of St. Dorothy). The statue was
blessed by His Lordship Mgr. Annetto Depasquale, Auxiliary
During the ceremony speeches were delivered by Sr. Celia
Agius Vadala, the Mother Provincial, Sr. Doreen Cuschieri
(Head, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Senior School), Magistrate David Scicluna
(President, Parents/Teachers Association) and Mrs. Elizabeth
Galea (Secretary, Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Association).
The statue can now be seen at the main entrance of the St.
Dorothy's Complex in Ħaż-Żebbuġ.

Committee of the Association
The Committee of the Association is elected every two years
during the Biennial General Meeting as stipulated in Article
4 of the Association’s statute.
The following make up the Committee for 2010-2011:

All ex-alumnae of the Schools
of St. Dorothy are considered to be members of the Dorothean
Ex-Alumnae Association. However, all ex-alumnae are
required to register their current details with the
Secretary so that they will be included in the Association's
mailing list. There is no fixed amount concerning the
membership fee, but it is expected that this will not be
less than
€5 (five Euro) per annum. Cheques to be made
payable to: Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Association.
Those ex-alumnae who do not
receive the Association's circulars may register with the
Secretary by sending the following information, together
with the membership fee, to:
The Secretary, Dorothean
Ex-Alumnae Association,
c/o Silhoutte, Triq il-Vajrita,
M'Scala MSK3322
Current name and surname
together with the maiden name
Full postal address
(including that of an eventual summer residence) and the
correct post code
E-mail address, landline
telephone number and mobile number
Last year at school and
identity card number.
The above details will then
be entered in the Ex-Alumnae Directory which at present
contains well over 3,000 ex-alumnae.
As part of its campaign to
introduce itself to new ex-alumnae, the Association is
holding annual meetings with all those students who complete
their studies at St. Dorothy's. During such meetings the
school-leavers are given an overview of the Association and
a souvenir to mark the last day at school. The souvenir
normally consists of a bookmark depicting the statue of St.
Paula and containing all the names of the classmates.

Postal Address |
Dorothean Ex-Alumnae Association
Silhoutte, Triq il-Vajrita,
M'Scala MSK3322. |
Secretary's tel
nos |
99843537 |
email | |

Forthcoming Activities
10th September,
2010: Grand Reunion for all the ex-pupils of the Schools of
St. Dorothy.
December2010: Outing (the
details will be notified later on)