Centenary of the Sisters of St Dorothy's in Malta
(Adapted from the historical archives by Sr Doreen Cuschieri)
The Sisters of St Dorothy set foot in Malta ninety-nine
years ago this month. It was Mgr Alfredo Mifsud who had
appealed for them to come here, and previously also his
father, Dr. Pasquale, who repeatedly corresponded with our
Foundress, St Paula Frassinetti, in Rome, asking her to send
the Sisters to Malta. At the beginning of the centenary
year, we look back with deep gratitude at the development of
the Congregation in this country and beyond.
The first contact Paola Frassinetti had with Malta was
through the family of Dr. Pasquale Mifsud and his wife,
Fortunata nee' Pace, who had sent their four daughters to
the Dorothean school at St Onofrio, in Rome. Unfortunately,
in November 1877, one of the daughters was taken seriously
ill, and the consultant advised an immediate return to her
home. Dr. Pasquale hastened to Rome and broke the news to
his little daughter. Maria was distressed, since she was
deeply attached to the Sisters of St. Dorothy. Moved by the
father's anguish, St Paola sent two sisters to Malta to
remain with Maria, until God called her to Him after barely
a month had elapsed.
A number of years later, when the sisters of St Dorothy in
Portugal were exiled and dispersed because of the
Revolution, Malta was one of the countries to benefit.
Three Dorothean sisters arrived in Malta in May 1911. Mgr
Alfredo Mifsud prepared Palazzo Mangion in Mdina for them,
until they were able to transfer their Convent to Casa
Mifsud, which Mgr Mifsud bequeathed to the sisters after his
death. Palazzo Santa Sofia in Mdina was also rented to
provide the rooms required to run a school until a larger
building in Bastions Street, adjacent to the Cathedral, was
restored and re-decorated, to house the School's increasing
intake. Later on, Casa Giuritale was also leased and
Palazzo Santa Sofia was returned to its owners.
Besides running a Boarding School and a Day School, the
Sisters dedicated themselves to the Apostolic Work of St.
Dorothy in various Parishes. This work was mainly with youth
and a Free School was run, adjacent to their Day School. In
1958, a Kindergarten was opened in Old College Street Sliema,
in the "Queen's Hall". At the beginning of each Scholastic
Year a new intake was accepted, until a new and complete
Junior School was built in De Piro Street, Sliema.
In 1968 a community was founded in London, U.K, and it is
still flourishing as a very popular international residence
for students. In 1978, another community was inaugurated in
Tal-Virtu, Malta, since the Government of Malta had ended
the contract of Palazzo Giuritale which housed most of the
Junior School Students. In October 1978, the Junior School
was transferred to Tal-Virtu Seminary, where they occupied
the Hall Block, as it had been known when it had functioned
as the female Teacher's Training College. In 1979, another
two convents were founded, one in Redhill, Surrey, England
and the other in Taiwan, R.O.C.
In 1997, the Junior School moved from Tal-Virtu to Zebbug,
where an entire complex was built in Mdina Road, to serve
both as a Primary and Secondary School Complex. In 1998,
the Secondary School vacated Casa De Piro in Bastion Street
and joined the Junior School in their new premises in Zebbug.
Until date, the Sisters residing in Casa Mifsud still
continue their apostolic work with the children of Mdina,
and day retreats and seminars are held in the same
premises. Regular meetings and prayer groups are also held
for The Mamme di Paola. In 2002, three Maltese sisters left
the Malta Province to found a new community in the
Philippines. Four years later, in 2006 the two communities
in Taiwan and in the Philippines branched out from the Malta
Province to form their own Region.
As we look back at all that had been accomplished during
these years, we can see very clearly how God's hand has been
at work throughout. And even though we cannot know how the
future will develop, we know that He will never fail us. St
Paula always encourages us to be brave and have great faith
in God; in fact in one of her letters to the sisters she
Courage, abandon yourself totally into the hands of God, in
Him alone put all your trust and hope He will lead you,
guide you, comfort you and sustain you (Cfr Letter 124,3)

Old Chapel adorned for the feast of St

Mdina entrace with school girls going out
for a walk after lunch early late 50's

Students of the late 50s on a trip to

Last photo
taken of the borders in the Convent garden in 1950s
Later 1930 and 1940